Frustrated with fiction

Started by Associate of Daniel, July 18, 2022, 08:24:49 AM

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Associate of Daniel

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with fiction films and books.

Since dealing with upds, I can't deal with anything too "heavy".  So I gravitate towards Hallmark movies and light romantic novels. 

It's embarrassing to admit it but that's where I'm at.  And to think I used to read Thomas Hardy and the Bronte sisters!

Anyway, I feel that neither the books I read or the movies I see have any basis in reality. I prefer the Hallmark stuff because it's so FAR removed from reality it's almost acceptable.

If I go for anything more serious, it's too depressing and graphic.

I wish someone would come up with something that is more realistic but that is still approachable.

Maybe stories of fractured relationships that will never be restored but have the characters moving towards better lives.

I don't know really.  Just feeling a bit of discontent.  Like the world doesn't get  the reality of so many of us.