How can I better deal with this?

Started by Lnalac, December 17, 2022, 05:14:50 PM

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My superintendent has a habit of pot-stirring,  and trying to violate people's boundaries. I can't diagnose him, and don't care to.

I would like information on how told handle this where he's not blowing up at me, and vice versa.

For what it's worth the people he seems to have drama with in our building recently and most currently, are women.  He had gotten into a fist fight with a previous male tenant and likes to brag a little about it.

He has started getting into drama with another neighbour.  I think he started picking on her because she's a little different and has mental health issues.

He claims she was acting flirtatious at his door.  He didn't like it. He assumed she was doing drugs.

So he decided to cover up the security cameras and go into her unit. He admits he stole some of her medication.  He bragged to me about it.  I said, "how do you even know she is selling prescription drugs?"  He never told me what really tipped him off as her being an actual dealer.

He thought the story was hilarious as he told me this. I was concerned.

Prior to that he had basically harassed me.  I did nothing about it, except talk to police.  The police did nothing because he only acted insulting over text message. I fled my apartment after having only moved there three days prior, because he started smashing up his place after texting me.

He had been drinking heavily and started texting weird stuff, getting snippy with me because I wasn't coming home earlier to accept a gift of a shower head from him. I thought it was creepy.

He then asked me to tell him what's wrong.  I said you're my superintendent. Let's have some professional boundaries.  It's not his job to take care of my feelings.  I'm actually fine and not upset at anything.

He flew into a rage at me and started calling me a twisted bitch , fucking liar, low life pos and other such dramatic language.

I responded "peace out" and he started trashing his apartment.

I ended up having to spend money on a hotel and emergency vet because my animal was sick with stress. $650 vet bill. I probably had to spend an additional $$$ to avoid his bullshit.

I'm not happy. He apologized to me the next day, saying he was too intoxicated to remember anything.

While drunkenly installing a simple air conditioning system for me he decided to ask me if he said anything sexual. I said, thankfully no.  He asked me what he said. I looked him directly in the eyes and said ,"you called me a fucking bitch and a low life piece of shit."

That dropped his attitude a couple of pegs thankfully.

Last night I ran into the neighbour he burglarized at a pub . We got to talking and somehow the discussion came up about our superintendent.  She admitted he was giving her a hard time.  The discussion veered towards her missing medication. We figured out he stole some old Tylenol 3 medication that was prescribed to her.  She said she keeps her other medication in her purse.

I don't want to get too involved.  I'm worried the superintendent will freak out if he loses control over us.  He painted her as a dealer who was going to break into my apartment.

I'm ultimately concerned this could get ugly.  I think he's a black out drinker when he's drunk and I'm really wanting to avoid it.  I don't know who she is exactly. For the most part she seems okay.

My plan is to be very kind on the surface. Don't get too involved, and not talk about the superintendent at home.  My neighbour vowed not to mention him as well.

I'm just nervous because we both know he went into her apartment. I don't believe he thinks she's an actual dealer, just easy to take advantage of.  He seems so over the line.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.