I want to divorce from my narcissistic husband but doesn't want to

Started by Keke, Yesterday at 03:38:52 PM

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I have been married for almost 8 years. We have a 3 year old son. I told him we need to divorce because can't deal with his attitude so manipulative and toxic and he said he will only help me with the amount the government says he must give us. He knows my family can help to complete de payment for the rent but also know is impossible as well because I am a full time mom. He make excuses and prolong everything. I don't believe he is going to find another place to live. He said he is saving money. I also feel can't move right away because I just found our son may be autistic and I feel a divorce + moving will make him feel worse. I feel so frustrated. Also I am an immigrant with no family.

I feel so stressed with my sons behaviour, eczema and the heavy vibe of my husband


welcome to the group keke-

it's hard to be at a crossroads where you know the relationship is not working but the other person in the equation cannot or will not let go.  factoring in a child with potential special needs makes whatever decision you make even more difficult.

something to start may be the toolbox to help find some new/additional coping skills to use with your husband. 


sounds like you've done some hard thinking on this and no matter what you decide, the outcome will be challenging.  when you are ready to share more about why you think your husband is a narcissist, we're listening