What do I make of this?

Started by chubes, March 22, 2022, 03:06:42 PM

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Hey all. I'm very new around here. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I have a very long term friendship (almost 30 years) that I have questioned so many times over the years. I have felt on many occasions that this friendship is one-sided. This friend lives a block away from my home maybe 3 minutes walking distance yet we hardly see each other. We're both busy so I usually chock it up to that however it is often me initiating any sort of hang out sesh with her. I have my own vehicle, she does not. Every time we hang out it turns into running errands. Suddenly she needs to go to the supermarket or pick up something somewhere or whatever. It's never just two friends hanging out and catching up and then going our separate ways. It always turns into me being her chauffeur. Most recently we hung out after two months of not seeing each other and I mentioned an issue I had experienced while out running a personal errand. She responded by saying why didn't I call her to come with me, she has needed to run a similar errand herself and could have used the ride. I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist. She's a good friend otherwise, supportive,  celebrates my successes and what not. But I sometimes walk away from time spent with her feeling used and like she only remembers me when I'm useful to her. I'm not sure how to address this if at all.


I was in a similar situation with a friend once. Whenever I visited her, she asked for my help with some errand. They say different people have different love languages. Perhaps, she felt loved that way. But, that's not how I operate. On the other hand, I think, in her case, there was a red flag. From the way we arranged things, it was fair for me to assume we would just hang, not work. To me, it's weird to agree to meet with someone at a certain time and ask for their help with some personal business when they arrive. The person is coming to have tea or coffee, to chill. In the end, I addressed my problem by asking if we could do some social activity when we met. She didn't mind me asking.
In your case, perhaps you could tell your friend when you meet up you made time to do X and Y, whatever you agreed on. I think I would also ask if she is doing OK, like why does she need so much help, why does she not have time to just hang? It's hard to tell if she is leaning on you in some way, perhaps she is not aware of it herself. From what you describe, it sounds like there is not much sharing in the friendship. This would also make one feel used.