Communications with exes re Covid

Started by Associate of Daniel, July 16, 2020, 05:23:21 AM

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I would not tell him you were sick until after any test. It simply gives him more ammunition.

I know it's hard to find new ways to relate to the people in our lives. Your ex has no right to demand what he's demanding of you and you have no obligation to comply. I would not volunteer anything to him that you are not legally required to volunteer.

The more you give him what he asks the more he will demand. You cannot win here. The only way to have peace is to remove yourself from the fame.

Associate of Daniel

Thanks, Getting Out of the FOG.

I agree.  I wouldn't normally tell uNPD exH. But I felt on this occasion that I should tell him in case he wanted to take ds for a test.

I knew it was a lose lose situation but I felt this way would cover my back rather than if I didn't tell him.

I've been giving him the information he was demanding for a few weeks now and until this weekend he has allowed ds to visit based on that.

But since my Covid test he's been demanding to know the minutae of my days.

I haven't a clue what I was doing at 10.03 am or which foot I put a sock on first today.

If I give him a run down of the events of the day I was tested, it won't be enough and we'll end up down the rabbit hole of "you should haves" and "why didn't yous?"

Anyway, the letter has now been sent to his solicitor.


Associate of Daniel

The solicitor's letter has done the trick!

For now.  We'll see what he cooks up next.



That's great! Good for you for standing your ground. Enjoy your time with DS.

Associate of Daniel

I thought I'd update this.

I've had no trouble since the letter exchange between the solicitors.

I'm having wonderful, blessed weekends with my boy.

I've not had to, nor have I, give any information of who I've had contact with etc. And uNPD exH hasn't given me any of his.  Things are calm - on this point at least.

Ds14 is happy and relaxed (when with me) and hasn't mentioned the sharing of information.

My solicitor told me that uNPD exH's solicitor would have told him to pull his head in.  She said he would likely have used words like that to him!

So I'm fully expecting uNPD exH to change solicitors soon.  He doesn't cope with people knowing anything "bad" about him.