"Full Catastrophe Living" by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn

Started by bexem, December 26, 2012, 08:08:11 PM

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Dr. Kabat-Zinn's breakthrough "Mindfullness-Based Stress Relief" program at UMass is changing the world. His work was recommended to me by my therapist and is changing my life. I'd recommend anything by him. He has lectures and guided mindfulness on youtube also.

He guides you to an understanding that we, as human beings, are always living either in the past or future and rarely in the present. Our stresses and lack of awareness have been proven clinically to affect our mental and physical well being. And that just being more mindful or aware of ourselves, which is not a hard practice at all, we can relieve so much physical and emotional distress. It is WONDERFUL. It is amazing how easy it is for the body to calm down when your mind is in control and aware of your physical body and that you really do have the ability to be compassionate with yourself while letting go of disturbing thoughts and feelings. He makes it very easy to understand, which I'm finding difficult to impart! :) But, if you try one of his guided mindfulness techniques, you will find that your mind and body are MADE to function in centeredness (if that's a word). You don't even have to try hard at this. You are made to be happy and healthy, you just have to harness the power of your awareness and live life at this moment because as Dr. Kabat-Zinn says "you are only alive in this moment."

Publisher: Delta
ISBN-10: 0385303122
ISBN-13: 978-0385303125

Klarity Belle

I am putting this on my '2013 reading list' landslide. Jon Kabat Zin's Mindfulness based cd's have been a big part of my own recovery process. I have read some of his other books and when time allows I will put reviews up about them. Mindfulness practice is part of my daily life and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Thanks for sharing  :yes:


I just love Jon Kabat Zin.  I  was first introduced  to him through XM radio (the Oprah Channel) many years ago.  He had then one of the only programs that accepted heath insurance.  I keep his books near and by the bedsides in my guestrooms!!!


I understand living in the moment but what if the moment is really bad and you are backed up against a wall and you can't ease what the PD spouse is doing at the moment?  I would love to read the book but wont be able to for several weeks. Thanks


Late reply here but there is an old proverb that describes a man running from a hungry lion who falls into a well with spiky rocks at the bottom, grabs a protruding root along the way that he can only hold onto for so long, when the tiger staring down the well at him bumps a nearby tree which stirs bees out of their nest and as the hive is falling down the well directly toward him....

...he reaches his head as far as he can and extends his tongue to catch one drop of honey from the hive. And it was the best thing he had ever tasted.