my PD twin is trying to talk to me, what should I do?

Started by Jason, March 23, 2019, 09:35:07 AM

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I have a twin brother, which most people seems to think is some fun fantastic thing.  When that twin exhibits narcissistic tendencies and makes your life a living hell, not so much.  I've been out of contact with my brother for what I believe is about a year and a half now, which I would begin to think would have sent him a message about his behavior and how I do not want to have anything to do with him.  I could not be more wrong, as a couple of days ago out of the blue he sends me a text message.  Now, if I'm not mistaken if you haven't talked to someone and yo0u're trying to reach out and break the silence I believe it is somewhat normal and customary to maybe say "hello" or "hey, I know we've not talked in a while, just been wondering how you are doing?"  No, instead, I got something like this (details redacted for privacy):

QuoteIt looks like I am getting a new job.  I've been made an offer at [redacted] to join as their new Sr DBA.

As the subject states, I need some help figuring out what I should do about this.  Just simply seeing this message from him was a shock in itself, and at the same time so typical of him to not even check on my own well being.  I'm not sure if I should just continue on ignoring him or if I should spell it out for him just how angry I am and put out into the light all of the things he has done to betray and hurt me.


I think the general advice with NC is to ignore all forms of communication. Don't respond at all. Of course, you can do whatever you feel is best.

It doesn't sound like he has developed any self-awareness, so he may be trying to just sweep everything under the rug and go forward as if nothing had happened, ignoring your reason for NC in the first place. You'll wind up back where you started.

Not advising this, but I would be tempted to reply, "Congrats. I'm doing well too, thanks for asking."  :bigwink:


Quote from: Jason on March 23, 2019, 09:35:07 AM
I have a twin brother, which most people seems to think is some fun fantastic thing.  When that twin exhibits narcissistic tendencies and makes your life a living hell, not so much.  I've been out of contact with my brother for what I believe is about a year and a half now, which I would begin to think would have sent him a message about his behavior and how I do not want to have anything to do with him.  I could not be more wrong, as a couple of days ago out of the blue he sends me a text message.  Now, if I'm not mistaken if you haven't talked to someone and yo0u're trying to reach out and break the silence I believe it is somewhat normal and customary to maybe say "hello" or "hey, I know we've not talked in a while, just been wondering how you are doing?"  No, instead, I got something like this (details redacted for privacy):

QuoteIt looks like I am getting a new job.  I've been made an offer at [redacted] to join as their new Sr DBA.

As the subject states, I need some help figuring out what I should do about this.  Just simply seeing this message from him was a shock in itself, and at the same time so typical of him to not even check on my own well being.  I'm not sure if I should just continue on ignoring him or if I should spell it out for him just how angry I am and put out into the light all of the things he has done to betray and hurt me.

Do nothing.  There's nothing in that email that requires a response.

As for telling him how you feel, lay it all out there in an Unsent Letter.  There's a board here for that.  You can put it all out there--in as much or as few detail as you wish--& consider it "sent", without the inflammatory response you're sure to get if you actually sent it to your brother. :)
I lived with my dad's uPD mom for 3.5 years.  This is my story:  (TW for abuse descriptions.)

"You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm." - Anonymous

NC with uNM since December 2016.  VLC with uPD/eF.


Thank you for the replies.  After letting it simmer over the weekend, I do feel a lot less tempted to reply and I do agree that that is the correct course of action to take.

@DaisyGirl77, I like your suggestion and I think that's exactly what I will do.  Thanks so much.