Still healing 2

Started by Gettintired76, April 27, 2022, 01:58:33 PM

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Quote from: Gettintired76 on April 30, 2022, 11:54:20 AM
I just keep hearing my baby begging not to say goodbye and my ex swearing it didn't happen that way. Its killing me it really is. What can happen to my ex for breaking no contact? I tried to leave it as can be seen and then she would throw the no contact at me and the leave her alone then keep going for 20 more texts. Escalating to more and more abusive attitudes and language until accusing me of mind games until I finally had to sign off and not even look at messenger?

I'm sorry about your daughter, that's hard.

About the no contact, you did the right thing by signing off.

Next time, do that immediately, with no reply at all.

And show the abusive language to your lawyer.


Shes breaking it again, wanting to text me about the cat of all things


Like nothing has happened just another day oh btw your cat is trying to get pregnant


Don't reply. Is it possible to put on ignore so you capture her messages but you don't see them unless you look? And avoid looking until you are about to talk to your lawyer?



I get notifications for messages so her message will pop up but i have to open her convo to clear the note


Check various settings. I have a "Hide alerts" option for a specific contact, for example.

Because her contacts do seem to throw you for a loop, if there is a way to mute her, so much the better.


This one just kinda had me scratching my your really gonna jeopardize yourself to tell me something as stupid as the cat wants to get pregnant?


She does not seem to have any connection to consequences. You say she feels fine skipping court hearings and the like. I would dread the consequences of such actions. And apparently she almost always gwt away with it. So, sure, what does she care about restraining herself from texting you about anything at all?


Agreed, she has never had a conscience nor shown remorse, always been allowed to "pass the buck" or start throwing different accusations at someone else so as to be removed from the hot seat. Shes good at playing the scared little wretched victim of society, I used to fall for it hook line and sinker.

Poison Ivy

During our divorce (6 years ago now), my spouse didn't follow all the rules. I had to remind myself that his rule-breaking was no excuse for me to engage in the same behavior and that he wasn't going to stop some of his long-standing behaviors (e.g., hiding money) merely because the law says he shouldn't hide money (or whatever).


I agree completely Poison, did he get in trouble for it?


My sister has been at her job for over 30 yrs and because of what it is she may lose it over all of this. Which is something else my ex has threatened repeatedly for the past 14 yrs over every little thing.


Smh looking through some old videos of the kids I found one from Christmas lol my youngest can be such a smartass bless her heart. God I miss them.


Your kids do sound great, full of life.


Oh they are, thats why is s hard seeing them like they are right now, and being the only one who realizes the changes and nobody will listen.


What are the odds on this getting  an about face because of her breaking no contact and admitting this happening because she still believes I called CPS in January?

Poison Ivy

Even your lawyer shouldn't give odds on that (or any other specific result of this or any case).


Agreed, no idea. 

But if you have that admission in writing your lawyer needs to see it.


Oh my lawyer has already given up, he says im pretty much fucked and going to prison, thats why I didnt want a public defender.


I did some digging and I found out my "attorney" is even licensed for familly law and the GAL is his law firm partner.